sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011

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The original UDI is identical to mine, even the same bugs.

After that version he did other stuff like put in a different title bar, an odd waiting bar and different credit reports online North Platte menus in attempt to call if different. Huntersoft didn't copy concepts, they ripped me off. The article then moves on to a story about some schoolmates that started a software company creating Video Frequency Broadcasting software. This company went out of business due to lack of market. Later on this person credit reports online North Platte found out that another company wrote a program that was very much the same as the program they created. credit score report He learned that one of his friends works at that company.

Before the original company disbanded they all signed a "security agreement" (security agreement? I assume it's some cultural/legal differences there). The new company states that they did not break the agreement because the code is now in VC++ (Microsoft Visual C++) instead of (Borland) Delphi. To me it sounds like they wrote up a bad agreement. Just because someone translates a book from English to French doesn't mean you lose the copyright on it. how to request free credit report It then moves on to credit reports online North Platte how copycat software is very common in China and credit reports online North Platte that this is helping the software become better. As I know very well how much better UDI is after trying to wipe out Windows. It also goes on to talk with a lawyer about copyright credit reports online North Platte law.

He says that if the program has a very original design it might be credit reports online North Platte protected as fine arts but credit reports online North Platte otherwise nothing. To me that means they have no copyright laws there, I'm not surprised. annual credit report free

I use credit reports online North Platte free software all credit reports online North Platte the time, a lot of them GPL or other credit reports online North Platte Open Source projects.

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